Each vehicle possessed 65 carbon fiber panels and cost $250,000 to build.
Technical specifications
Length: 15 feet 2 inches (4.62 m)
Width: 9 feet 2 inches (2.79 m)
height 4 feet 11 inches (1.50 m)
Weight: 2.5 short tons (2.3 t)
Acceleration: 0-60 in 5.6 seconds.
Engine: 5.7 liter GM V8 engine capable of 500 horsepower (370 kW).
Fuel: The "jet engine" on the back of the car was fed by propane tanks.
Tires: 4 Interco "Super Swamper TSL" tires standing 44/18.5-16.5 in the rear, and two 94.0/15.0-15 Hoosier Checkerboard dirt tires on the front, with superior grip.
Technical specifications
Length: 15 feet (4.57 m)
Width: 9 feet 4 inches (2.84 m)
Weight: 2.5 short tons (2.3 t)
Acceleration: 0-60 in 5.6 seconds. Under full acceleration, the car could actually rise up on its front suspension while the front wheels stayed planted on the ground creating an effect like a giant spider.
Aprrox. full speed: 160mph (257 kmh)
Engine[2]: 5.0 liter Vauxhall/GM engine capable of 500 horsepower. The jet engine and vector controls could jump up to 6 feet vertically.
Fuel: The "jet engine" on the back of the car was fed by propane tanks.
Tires: Super swampers tires standing 44 inches tall (via titanium axles).